Clipboard Upload

Upload files or data from your computer to your website with a single click by using the clipboard.



To share a couple of files with someone:

  • Select the files in a file manager and Copy.
  • Run
  • Paste the HTTP links now in the clipboard into an email or instant message.

To upload an image:

  • Copy some image data to the clipboard, for instance by pressing the Print Screen key.
  • Run
  • Paste the HTTP link now in the clipboard. It will point to a generated image file on the web server (.png by default).

To upload some text:

  • In a text editor, select the text and Copy.
  • Run
  • Paste the HTTP link now in the clipboard. It will point to a .txt file on the web server.


This script works only on Windows.


Common ways of getting image data into the clipboard are:

  • Print Screen: Get a screenshot of the entire screen.
  • Alt + Print Screen: Get a screenshot of the program that currently has focus.
  • Windows 7 Snipping Tool: Get a screenshot of any area of the screen.
  • Right click an image in Firefox and select Copy Image.



  • Use the clipboard as a staging area for uploading to a web server. After the upload, replace the contents in the clipboard with links to the uploaded data.
  • Upload regular files by copying them to the clipboard in a file manager. For regular files, create files on the web server with names matching the ones in the clipboard (overwriting any existing files with those names)
  • Upload image and text data by dynamically creating files on the web server with randomly generated names that will not overlap.
  • Use SFTP to upload the data.
  • Upload to a folder on the web server that is available through HTTP.


  • Support HTML fragments.
  • Support 3rd party file hosting services.