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CUDA Benoit

CUDA Fill Media

Fit set of files onto set of media of given size.


Use the –folder option to add files or folders and the –rfolder option to add files. Both optiones recursively add all files found in the specified folders and below. The difference between the swithces is that –folder will not let any of the folders within the root folder separated out to different media while the –rfolder option allows the files to be separated. –folder preserves the name of the folder that the files are in throughout the process, while –rfolder uses only the filenames. For example, consider the following folder structure:


–folder root will cause the app to fit the following three items to media:

  • folder1 (having the size of file1)
  • folder2 (having the size of file2 + file3)
  • file4

–rfolder root will cause the app to fit the four files to media:

  • file1
  • file2
  • file3
  • file4

Use the –media_free option to specify media size (see table below). Add the –first_medium_free option if you have a different amount of free space available on the first media.

If you intend do manually write the files to media, just let the JSON be output to stdout. The JSON is human readable. If you intend to process the output automatically, write it to a file with –output or pipe it.

Command line

fill_media - Fit set of files onto set of media of given size -
  -h [ --help ]                  produce help message
  -f [ --folder ] arg            add source folder (adds files or folders)
  -r [ --rfolder ] arg           add recursive source folder (adds files)
  -v [ --verbose ]               display verbose messages
  -m [ --media_free ] arg        media size. ? for options
  -i [ --first_medium_free ] arg other size for first medium. ? for options
  -c [ --cuda_device ] arg       cuda device
  -o [ --output ] arg            output json to file instead of stdout

Possible choices for –medium_free and –first_medium_free

<number> number bytes
<number>K number * 1024 bytes (KiB)
<number>M number * 1,048,576 bytes (MiB)
<number>G number * 1,073,741,824 bytes (GiB)
cd650 681,574,400 bytes (650MiB)
cd700 737,148,928 bytes (703MiB)
cd800 829,423,616 bytes (791MiB)
cd900 912,261,120 bytes (870MiB)
dvd1 1,460,288,880 bytes (1.36GiB)
dvd2 2,652,142,305 bytes (2.47GiB)
dvd3 2,920,577,761 bytes (2.72GiB)
dvd4 5,315,022,028 bytes (4.95GiB)
dvd5 4,702,989,189 bytes (4.38GiB)
dvd9 8,536,247,500 bytes (7.95GiB)
dvd10 9,395,240,960 bytes (8.75GiB)
dvd14 13,239,236,689 bytes (12.33GiB)
dvd18 17,072,495,001 bytes (15.90GiB)
bdmini 7,791,181,824 bytes (7,430 GiB)
bdminidd 15,582,363,648 bytes (14,860 GiB)
bd 25,025,314,816 bytes (23,866 GiB)
bddd 50,050,629,632 bytes (47,732 GiB)

Example output (JSON)

        "index" : 1,
        "files" : [
        "free" : 7535558
        "index" : 2,
        "files" : [
        "free" : 109343727
        "index" : 3,
        "files" : [
        "free" : 6412153
        "index" : 4,
        "files" : [
        "free" : 189030821
        "index" : 5,
        "files" : [
        "free" : 534496517


This app works best when the files are big enough that only a few (between 1 and 20) files fit onto each media (see Implementation below) and the size of the files is fairly varied.

There are a number of situations where this application will not perform well:

  • If the files are much smaller than the size of the media, reordering the files to the optimal fit will not save much space as opposed to random ordering.
  • If each of the files are larger than half of the size of the media, the only possible fit is one file per media. Similar situations arise at other uniform file sizes.



  • Scan all folders provided by user and store path and size for each file.
  • Divide files into groups where each group is small enough that all possible permutations within the group can be tested.
  • Starting with the first group, check how each possible ordering of the files would fit onto a set of media. The ordering that uses fewest media and leaves the most free space on the last media wins.
  • Repeat for each successive group, using the amount of free space left from the previous group as a starting point.
  • Output the result as JSON that can be easily consumed by other apps.

Group size

The application currently uses a fixed group size of 10 files, resulting in 3,628,800 combinations that must be checked for each group. The group size is hard coded because increasing it above 10 would slightly increase the complexity of the app due to a hardware limitation of the GPU.

Exhaustively trying all possible combinations would give perfect results. But given that the progression of possible combinations is the factorial of the number of files, a brute force approach is only possible for a very small number of files, or an apprach like this app uses, where a larger number of files is split into small groups and the groups are processed separately. Below is a table that illustrates this. 1,000 files is far from an unreasonable number of files that you might want to fit onto media.

Number of files (n) Permutations (n!)
8 40,320
9 362,880
10 3,628,800
11 39,916,800
12 479,001,600
13 6,227,020,800
14 87,178,291,200
15 1,307,674,368,000
1000 40,238,726,007,709,377,354,370,243,392,300,398,571,937,486, 421,071,463,254,379,991,042,993,851,239,862,902,059,204,420, 848,696,940,480,047,998,861,019,719,605,863,166,687,299,480, 855,890,132,382,966,994,459,099,742,450,408,707,375,991,882, 362,772,718,873,251,977,950,595,099,527,612,087,497,546,249, 704,360,141,827,809,464,649,629,105,639,388,743,788,648,733, 711,918,104,582,578,364,784,997,701,247,663,288,983,595,573, 543,251,318,532,395,846,307,555,740,911,426,241,747,434,934, 755,342,864,657,661,166,779,739,666,882,029,120,737,914,385, 371,958,824,980,812,686,783,837,455,973,174,613,608,537,953, 452,422,158,659,320,192,809,087,829,730,843,139,284,440,328, 123,155,861,103,697,680,135,730,421,616,874,760,967,587,134, 831,202,547,858,932,076,716,913,244,842,623,613,141,250,878, 020,800,026,168,315,102,734,182,797,770,478,463,586,817,016, 436,502,415,369,139,828,126,481,021,309,276,124,489,635,992, 870,511,496,497,541,990,934,222,156,683,257,208,082,133,318, 611,681,155,361,583,654,698,404,670,897,560,290,095,053,761, 647,584,772,842,188,967,964,624,494,516,076,535,340,819,890, 138,544,248,798,495,995,331,910,172,335,555,660,213,945,039, 973,628,075,013,783,761,530,712,776,192,684,903,435,262,520, 001,588,853,514,733,161,170,210,396,817,592,151,090,778,801, 939,317,811,419,454,525,722,386,554,146,106,289,218,796,022, 383,897,147,608,850,627,686,296,714,667,469,756,291,123,408, 243,920,816,015,378,088,989,396,451,826,324,367,161,676,217, 916,890,977,991,190,375,403,127,462,228,998,800,519,544,441, 428,201,218,736,174,599,264,295,658,174,662,830,295,557,029, 902,432,415,318,161,721,046,583,203,678,690,611,726,015,878, 352,075,151,628,422,554,026,517,048,330,422,614,397,428,693, 306,169,089,796,848,259,012,545,832,716,822,645,806,652,676, 995,865,268,227,280,707,578,139,185,817,888,965,220,816,434, 834,482,599,326,604,336,766,017,699,961,283,186,078,838,615, 027,946,595,513,115,655,203,609,398,818,061,213,855,860,030, 143,569,452,722,420,634,463,179,746,059,468,257,310,379,008, 402,443,243,846,565,724,501,440,282,188,525,247,093,519,062, 092,902,313,649,327,349,756,551,395,872,055,965,422,874,977, 401,141,334,696,271,542,284,586,237,738,753,823,048,386,568, 897,646,192,738,381,490,014,076,731,044,664,025,989,949,022, 222,176,590,433,990,188,601,856,652,648,506,179,970,235,619, 389,701,786,004,081,188,972,991,831,102,117,122,984,590,164, 192,106,888,438,712,185,564,612,496,079,872,290,851,929,681, 937,238,864,261,483,965,738,229,112,312,502,418,664,935,314, 397,013,742,853,192,664,987,533,721,894,069,428,143,411,852, 015,801,412,334,482,801,505,139,969,429,015,348,307,764,456

Kernel performance

I have made no attempt at optimizing this kernel. I checked the instruction throughput in the profiler and it is extremely low.


  • Optimize the kernel.
  • Use a proper fitting algorithm. This application uses a brute force approach. Data fitting algorithms have been a field of study for a long time and better algorithms are available. One approach I’ve considered is to try using Simulated Annealing (SA) for this task.
  • Implement a CPU version of the kernel and use it automatically if CUDA is not available.
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